A paradox which is all to often quoted in today's world is that, while modern technology assists us in doing things faster and faster, we appear to be getting busier and busier. We need to be taking advantage of our increased speed by adding more and more tasks to our schedule. When our working day ends, we sit back and evaluate our productivity and efficiency. On reflection we may see what looks like a very dynamic picture, however the sad truth of the matter is that this way of life is turning us into very inactive people. Is there anything we can do about it$%:
Looking at this problem logically, the more time we spend in front of our computer means we have much less time for physical exercise. Most of us complain that we do not have enough time to attend the gym, or to go jogging first thing in the morning, or to sign up for an aerobics class. We also tell ourselves that, when we do get some free time, we are just too exhausted to think about exercising. It may be that we are indeed very tired or that we have quite simply got used to being sat on our backsides and not doing much of anything, but the plain fact is, fewer and fewer of us do any kind of physical exercise.
The problem however, may not be as serious as we thought. You do not necessarily have to attend a gym; you can quite easily get some good exercise at home. I am pretty sure that you can find a spare 15 minutes during your day for some small exercises while sitting in front of your computer or perhaps just before you take a shower, or even while watching the news on television. Some minor arm and leg stretches and some breathing exercises will do the trick. After doing these minor exercises for a while you may soon feel that you want to try doing some sit-ups or push-ups too. It would also help greatly if you could use the stairs instead of the elevator from now on, it will also help if you would take a brisk walk from the car-park to the office. There are quite a lot of these apparently small things you can be doing to stay active.
Do try to make your exercise sessions last the full 15 minutes. And, as with everything else you do, it is very important that you maintain a strict exercising schedule. Not only will this make you a much healthier person, but you will find that you are able to resume work feeling far fresher.