Waves of glory
Roll over me
Waves of glory
Strengthen me
Waves of glory
Flow through me
Waves of glory
Rewrite my life story
Fill me to overflowing
With power supernatural
Visit me with signs incredible
Divine wonders incomprehensible
Take me beyond the cerebral
Into the heavenly and spiritual
Empower me to impact people
To uplift the weary and broken
To awake the dead
With the Words God has spoken
To melt hard hearts
With unquenchable fire
Burn within them new desire
Filling the skeptic with faith to believe
Love which can be felt
Overcoming disappointments dealt
By life's circumstances
Beyond our control
Christ Jesus make me whole
Comfort me, so I in turn can comfort others
Help me to bless not just my sisters and brothers
But me also go into all the world
Reach out to rejected and those most lost
Deny myself and not consider the cost
The net of salvation boldly toss
Into the sea of humanity
For whom Christ died
Our Lord of glory crucified
Yet by the power of the Spirit
Christ rose from the dead
Empowering us too to get out of bed
Renew our mind and clear our head
To take up our cross and consider others instead
Of being merely self-centered and self-absorbed
Bound in sin, froward, and bored
Jesus our Savior, Immanuel
The child of the Holy Spirit
Brought a message to earth
Showing us a new and living way
Salvation through the blood of Jesus today
By the Holy Spirit's new birth
Liberation from sin, disease, and divorce
All on this planet shall hear and see it
The question however is
What will they do with it$%:
The good news of the Gospel$%:
Christ our Lord, the way out of evil.
Of Christ the truth, way, and life
The Spirit will reveal and manifest
Confirming and performing
The mighty message of deliverance
The tender talk of hope
The lovely lesson of life
Enabling all humanity to cope
To be captivated, catch, and conquer
To obtain that which Jesus came for
To fill every heart to overflowing
To cause pain within to be going
Demons that torment to go running
As the Holy Spirit mightily does arise
And lovingly wipes all tears from your eyes
Illuminating your heart to understand and realize
That yourself and destiny you shouldn't despise
Because to the Lord of glory you are quite the prize
A darling and beloved child in the heavenly Father's eyes
Therefore capture and experience His gentle grace
Lift up your eyes to behold your Father's face
He mercifully cleanses you of sin and all disgrace
Christ triumphed to empower you to run the race
To not just know, but also to taste
Taste and see the Lord is good!
Lift up your head and live as you should
Confidently in victory and glory
As waves of His Presence roll over thee
Empowering you to be all you can be
Celebrate the Creator, in whose image He made thee
For His passion and purpose Christ did save thee
Drink of this living water and be no more thirsty
Obey the Bible boldy and live adventurously
As waves of glory position and carry thee
To live life happily and more abundantly.
Eyes to see, ears to hear
Get ready and go with God
As His waves of glory draw near!